Steve Timm
As the author of the Mind Your Own Back book and technique of the same name, years ago, I became known to many in Europe, America, and the world.
Known as Steve Timm I enjoy retirement, at over 80 and I am still dedicating a good portion of my life to searching for natural and simple ways to promote good health and happy long life for myself and every soul on this planet. Here is information about a very simple handheld little device that can produce a gentle low Terahertz energy and cold plasma that has been found to produce multiple amazing health benefits and happiness to its users.
THz Plasma could Help You
Here is my offer to the world the “LI THz Plasma” device to be used to nourish and re-charge aspects of the light-energy/subtle body, thereby reactivating the body’s intelligence and a healthy memory. Different from LLLT Laser devices where the laser light is showered to the skin from some distance, the LI THz Plasma device is to be applied directly by touching the skin where little or no light may be seen outside. The objective is to transfer the Coherent THz Plasma energy directly into your subtle energy body.